Google Business

Setup Services

Imagine new customers finding your business easily on Google Maps and searches! AdGeeks' Google Business Setup Service does just that.

  • Get found by potential customers searching for businesses like yours nearby. Your Google Business profile will be right there to greet them.

  • A polished Google business profile with accurate info, enticing photos, and positive reviews builds trust and makes you stand out as a professional business.

  • Focus on what you do best - running your business. Let us handle the Google Business profile setup.

Google Business Logo

Increase visibility in local searches, driving more potential customers to your business.

What You Receive

  • Attract potential customers with accurate information and a captivating description crafted by our experts.

  • We'll ensure your business is listed under the most relevant and specific categories on Google Business for maximum searchability.

  • We'll identify relevant keywords that local customers use to find businesses like yours and optimize your profile to rank higher in local search results for those terms.

Google Business Benefits

Increased Local Search Visibility:

  • A well-optimized profile significantly improves your chances of appearing in local Google Search and Maps results. This puts your business directly in front of potential customers who are actively searching for what you offer nearby.

Attract More Qualified Leads:

  • Local searches are often conducted by customers with high purchase intent. A Google Business Profile allows you to target these qualified leads who are already looking for businesses like yours.

Stay Ahead of the Curve:

  • Google Business is a crucial component of local SEO. By maintaining a strong profile, you ensure your business stays visible in the ever-evolving world of online searches.

Google Business Example

Client Testimonials


  • We'll need your business name, address, phone number, website URL, and category selection. Having high-quality photos and videos is also beneficial.

  • The initial setup process is usually quick. However, visibility improvement through optimization can take some time and ongoing effort.

  • Our goal is to improve your ranking in local Google Search results. This depends on various factors, but optimization can significantly enhance your visibility.

  • We offer expertise in Google My Business optimization, a data-driven approach, and ongoing support to ensure your profile performs optimally for long-term success. We'll help you attract more customers and grow your business in the local market.

Let’s Work Together

Getting your business found by potential customers on Google is what we do.